Today is January 4th of a new year!!! Basically 2011 sucked so I am ready for a new year for sure! This year I want to blog regularly as well as posting letters written by Alex for all to see. Before I talk about the letter I want to bring everyone up to date on me, physically and emotionally.
Since having thyroid cancer diagnosed in November, 2010, I have undergone a complete thyroidectomy (December, 2010) then radiation (January, 2011). Those things were stressful but the year following was worse (all of 2011). My medications didn't seem to be working right and it seemed none of my doctors were listening.
In December, 2011 my sister and husband and I went to OSU to a new endocrinologist (Dr. Sipos) and it seemed that although she didn't necessarily agree with me being on T3 she would be willing to continue me on it. She made some changes and I have been feeling much, much better. In addition, I have taken myself to 1/2 a pill of my blood pressure medicine. These things together have helped greatly! I am able to exercise some (nothing too strenuous yet) and haven't felt overwhelmingly tired like I used to. I see a new general practitioner (recommended by my dentist who found my cancer) and I am hopeful that he will listen and help me ongoing. Emotionally, the holidays were hard :( It is very hard for me to see family who you don't see or hear from regularly (or at all) while you are sick. I guess I'm not that forgiving...
So, this year will be better - I just know it!